
I grew up at the beginning of the video game era and used to love to play Atari and Intelevision games. In recent years I have gotten into collecting classic video game systems and cartridges.


My Collection

These lists are just for information purposes, these items are not necessarily available for sale of trade.

Atari 2600 Cartridges

Atari 5200 Cartridges

Atari 7800 Cartridges

Colecovision Cartridges

Intelevision Cartridges

Odyssey 2 Cartridges

Atari 8-bit Cartridges


General Classic Videogame Pages

Retrogaming Radio
Retrogaming Radio is an excellent on-line radio show all about classic gaming. It features news, reviews and interviews relating to classic gaming.
The Giant List of Classic Video Game Programmers
The title basically says it all. I especially like the news section where you can read all kinds of interesting stories about various classic video game authors and where they are today.
The Classic Video Games Nexus:
I usually don't like to link to pages of just links, but this page has a well organized and annotated list of links to classic video game homepages. This page is no longer updated, but it still has a lot of good links.

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Dan Boris -